Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love. – Mother Teresa

Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love. - Mother Teresa

Let us always meet each other with a smile on the face. It is only when we meet one another with a smile that things tend to take place on a positive note. The spirit you carry along with yourself is extremely important.

Too often, we think that money, riches, and success matter! However, if you want to chalk out the true meaning of your life, you ought to understand that it is all about spreading love.

You must realize that when you smile at the other person just as you meet him or her, you get the opportunity to make a place for yourself at that person’s heart. It doesn’t take anything to give a smile, but when you do so, you spread love.

In today’s world full of critics and selfish people, it is extremely important to spread love.

When you smile, you show that you love the person opposite to you. When you express your love and gratitude to others, things are going to happen on a positive note.

Smile and denote that it is just the beginning of love. Love is all about how you express your love and gratitude, and when you succeed in expressing it to the other person, that individual also tends to feel good.

Try to contribute to others’ lives and you would just need to own a ‘smile’ to be able to do it!

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