Abraham Joshua Heschel

When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people; as I grow older, I admire kind people. – Abraham Joshua Heschel

There are different kinds of people with different mindsets roaming around the world. These people have their ideological differences between them that differentiate one with the other. As we were young, we have learned that intelligent people are a geek. They know a lot of things. Their wisdom is unmatchable.

So, as we were kids then and used to believe what our elders have told us, we believe that intelligent people are usually good people with excellent knowledge. We always wanted to talk with the intelligent once so that we can learn more. So that people count us on the list of good people.

However, as we grow up, we learn various things, we develop our way of watching the world. Only then we realized one thing. Only then we realize that there are a lot of intelligent people out there. However, all of them are not necessarily great human beings.

Some intelligent people portray their intelligence by setting a bad example, really. They use their intelligence to make trouble for others. Our perspective to see the world unveiled many truths in front of our eyes.

As we grow older, we realize that intelligence is good; but wisdom does not always come from intelligence. Wisdom, to become a great personality, however, depends on how much you love people, how much you can give to the people.

Therefore, being kind is the way to grow up as a great human being. If you want that, you should chase wisdom; you should develop a heart of gold.

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