Amy Tenney

The world needs strong women. Women who will lift and build others, who will love and be loved. Women who live bravely, both tender and fierce. Women of indomitable will. – Amy Tenney

The world needs more strong women and that’s absolutely true. It is important to realize that the world requires more of such brave souls. When we talk about strong women, we talk about the ones who believe in going up as well as lifting others at the same time.

Strong women will never feel selfish or think of pulling others down. They will never feel jealous of others’ success. Indeed, the world needs strong women and when we say, “strong”, we talk about the ones who are just having the mindset to build others.

They do not just focus upon their own growth but at the same time, they do not mind helping others as well, and doing things so as to lift them. It is more like a joint success and strong women are not going to hesitate about it by any chance.

Strong women are the ones who will love and be loved as well. They believe in spreading love, and thus, helping others to fetch the love as well. They talk to others with a very soft tone, and be polite with everyone they meet for they do not believe in arrogance.

They know that things are going to fall in their places, sooner or later and it’s all about the kindness that people have, which is going to make all the difference.

Besides, women should be tender and fierce at the same time, which means that you must be soft and tender at one time, and then at the other time, you need to be amazing just the way you are!

You should learn to be fierce when required so that you are no way left behind by the others.

Last but not the least, never make your will go indomitable. It is only when you have an indomitable will that you get the zeal to keep working and give your best at each and every shot.

You need to have a strong will power and that shall eventually help you encounter all the obstacles that you get through the path of your life.

At times, you may start feeling as if you are good for nothing and that’s when you need to hold on to your belief even more firmly.

Try to understand that things may take time, but that’s fine. It is all about the fact that you are not giving up by any chance. Always be positive and take things on a positive note, and you will have a long way to go!

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