Helping one person might not change the world, but it could change the world for one person. – Anonymous

Helping one person might not change the world, but it could change the world for one person. - Anonymous

Helping one person might not change the whole world. And yes, you cannot go around and help each and everyone as that is something not feasible at all.

However, you ought to understand that your efforts would at least change the world for that one person. Your contributions might not make a big difference, and thus, you would not be able to change the whole world.

However, when you put in some effort and try to help at least one individual, it simply means that you change the world for at least one person.

It is simply not possible that you will change the world by helping each and every single individual, but if you count yourself and help at least one person, won’t things become easier?

Drop by drop makes an ocean, right? In the same way, you need to understand that if each and every human on this earth will make some contribution and try to help the other person around them, this world will become a much better place to live in.

At times, you would not be able to do good to each and everyone, but when you do it for at least one person, it makes a big difference to that particular person’s life, and that is what makes things look brighter and more beautiful than others.

You should thus, learn to acknowledge your own efforts and try to give adequate value to it, so that others get benefitted by the same.