
Search for a beautiful heart. Not necessarily a beautiful face. Beautiful people are not always good. But good people are always beautiful. – Anonymous

In today’s time, people usually seem to run after a beautiful face instead of focusing upon going for a beautiful heart.

It is important to understand that having beauty on the exterior is temporary and it may change over the time. You may not look the same in your old age as you are in your youth.

However, if you have got a beautiful heart and a kind soul, you are more blessed than everything else. If you possess a good heart, you are shining from within, and nothing can take away that glow from you.

Most importantly, it is necessary to understand that the beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, and beautiful people may not always prove to be good but it is the good people who are always beautiful.

You may have an amazing outlook but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be equally good from your inside.

However, if you have got a good heart, you are sure to be beautiful. Thus, always give the maximum priority to the inside beauty instead of just searching for beauty in one’s appearance.

A person who is beautiful from his or her heart is way ahead then someone who has a fair and glowing skin but is not having a pure soul. It is all about how you behave with others and treat people that determine your beauty and the kindness that you have!

Never fall prey to someone’s outer beauty for all that shines is not gold. So, be mature enough and decide someone’s beauty wisely.

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