
Happiness depends upon ourselves. – Aristotle

Often, we put the responsibility for our happiness on others. We depend on our friends and family for it. They are quintessential and undoubtedly very important parts of our lives, but we should live in such a way that we can depend only on ourselves for our own happiness.

It is important to build relations as we grow up, but it is equally important to know your own self. In the end, even if we don’t have anyone to depend on, we will have ourselves to fall back on.

To truly understand oneself, one has to spend some time alone so that they recognize what truly makes them happy. Even if they are little things, you should make note of it and indulge in it even more.

Our choices in life also determine how happy we are. While making these choices it is important that we consider what will make us happy in the long run.

The choices that we make today will affect our future. Therefore, we should put in ample thought before zeroing in on a decision.

Often, we blame it on others or our luck for something that didn’t go as planned. But again, there are many unexpected happiness that comes our way. We then often forget to thank our luck for it.

While these variations are inevitable in life, we should realize that our happiness depends entirely on what we do and how we do it.

If we have made a mistake, we should have the courage to own up and correct it. If something is bothering us, then that needs to be solved. All of this is in our hands. We need to find the confidence and courage within to solve our own problems and not depend on others.

In this way, our expectations will also minimize and hence chances of our feeling hurt because of others and external factors will also decrease.

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