Coco Chanel

A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. – Coco Chanel

A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. Yes, that’s true!

It is important to acknowledge that a girl needs to have two characteristic features in her, while the first one that she should be classy; the second one is that she should be fabulous.

By saying so, it simply means that a girl must be smart and amazing, not by the way she looks, but rather by the way she thinks! Her thought process is all that is going to attract the other people around her.

She should be the kind of person, who thinks out of the box, and thus, that girl should have the potential to prove her own self at each and every step, no lesser than a man though by any chance.

We need to acknowledge that each and every time we go on judging a girl, we go on identifying the faults in her, but consequently, we should understand that a girl is just fabulous in every aspect.

This simply means that she should be outstanding in all that she does!

A girl is a lot better than a boy. She is the one who has the ability to deal with her household chores, carry away with all her jobs, as well as, does all her tasks that she has got to do at her workplace.

Definitely, it determines that a girl is way ahead than a boy and that speaks volumes about all that a woman can possibly do!

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