Dieter F. Uchtdorf

By becoming the answer to someone’s prayer, we often find the answers to our own. – Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Well, sometimes someone enters our life and changes it. They come to our life when we are going through sadness, sorrow, and pain. They pull us out from that situation and make us happy. So, we start considering them as the messenger of God. We think that God has sent us that person to save us from our pain and sorrow.

We also believe that he or she came to our life due to our prayers to God. But you have to understand that they are not only the answers to your prayers, but you are also the answers to their own prayers.

So, if you think that you are one of those persons, make sure that you are not serving them, God is guiding you to do it. If you are doing any good for anyone, you are doing good to yourself.

You have to understand that personal salvation is the most important thing. It will not only make you happy, but it will also give you a purpose in life. So, don’t stop yourself from serving humankind. It is one of the best jobs that you can do.

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