Franklin D. Roosevelt

When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on. – Franklin D. Roosevelt

Life is never a bed of roses. You will find a lot of difficulty in your life, and that’s obvious. Each of these difficulties has got a lot to reveal. They teach us the lessons for our lives.

There would be times when you feel that it’s the end of your life. A Hero will never let those instances to pull him or her down. Be the way you are! Tough times will go away. All you need is to ensure that you should not let your spirit go down.

The main motive of this quote is to say that you should never give up. Keep doing what you were meant to do so far! Do not give up. Tough situations will go away. All you need is to fight the difficult times with a good heart and an energetic mind. Only if you keep fighting, you will see your scope to win.

Do not let things go midway. Be the way you are, and you are sure to succeed! There will be situations when you won’t be able to achieve things all at a go! Don’t give up. Keep fighting till the end, and only then you will be able to reach where you want!

Hold your patience and cling on to the end of the rope. Tie a knot and cling to it. You are sure to achieve success. Life doesn’t give you favorable situations all the time. There will be times when you will feel like losing your hope and that’s when you should tie a knot continue fighting.

Here, this knot resembles the support. In order to fight back all the odds, you will need assistance and when you find this knot, hold on to it with both your hands.

Even if it doesn’t contribute much to your progress but it will definitely stop you from failing. A tiny knot can make a huge difference to your life. All you need is to cling on to it and wait till things turn in your favor.

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