Mandy Hale

You don’t have to defend or explain your decisions to anyone. It’s your life. Live it without apologies. – Mandy Hale

You do not need to defend or explain your decisions to anyone, which simply means that you are not required to give any explanation to people around you. You should have your own opinion to decide about certain things.

It is important to understand that it’s your life and hence, you have an upper hand to decide things as they are! It is you who will be taking your decision about what to do, and how to do.

If you feel as if you are deciding certain things, you know why you are doing them! It is your life and you should live it without any apology. You are not answerable to anyone. You should know what you are doing, and you have your own reasons for doing so!

It is not always possible to give an explanation for each and everything you do. Remember that you will not have to answer for all the things you do in your life. It is only you who needs to know the ins and outs and that’s enough!

You should live your life in your own terms. You are not obliged to answer anyone for anything and everything that you do in your life. You have your own reasons for doing something, and when you do it, that’s it!

You have your own purposes, and when you know them, you are just knowing it all. It is you who knows that, and you do not need to know anything else.

Live it without apologies, and when you have your own terms and you are sure of it, that’s more than what is to be done. You need not go around answering everyone all the time.

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