Muhammad Ali

God’s got me here for something. I can feel it. I was born for everything that I’m doing now. – Muhammad Ali

God has got me here for something. Yes, that’s true. You need to have self-belief and only then you can achieve great things in your life.

Obviously, you need to work hard and thus, set your target, and only when you do so, that you will be able to achieve great things in your life. Try to understand that God sends you at a place only for the reason that you belong to that particular place. You need to understand it, and thus, feel it.

It is important to understand that god’s plans are way ahead of you, and if he has chosen a path for you, things are sure to fall in their respective places.

You need to understand that life happens for a reason, and when you are going through a particular path, it’s only because the Almighty has chalked it out for you.

Never doubt his decisions and concentrate towards your own goal instead of being bothered about what others are saying.

You ought to understand how the reality works, and thus, get to figure out that life happens for a reason and you are here doing things just because you were meant to be here.

At times, we keep on banging our heads here and there, and that is something that should not be done. You ought to understand how the reality works, and thus, be thankful for where you are today.

Understand that you should not mind staying at a place where you are currently in! You are probably at this position, for the fact that you were meant to be here.

You ought to realize the fact that life happens for a reason, and you must be content with all that you have, for that will consequently pave your path towards the peak of success.

You were born for everything that you’re presently doing at this moment, and this will help you gain confidence in your own abilities.

Always have faith in your potential and you will be able to reach the goal that you have set for yourself.

You shall meet a lot of people along your way, who may try to demoralize you, but make sure that you are calm enough to handle all of it.

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