Nancy D. Solomon

You get in life what you have the courage to ask for. – Nancy D. Solomon

In life, you should remember that nothing comes at free of cost. The food you are eating costs, and you ought to earn for that. You do not get anything until and unless you are actually deserving it. There’s no ‘extra’ in life.

There is justification for each and everything that you have ever achieved in your life. If you are seeking success, make sure that you deserve that! If you ever think that you can get that without doing anything, you are wrong.

You need to work hard in order to attain those heights. Life gifts to those who have the courage to ask for what they actually deserve. You cannot keep numb and expect yourself to achieve all that you have ever craved for!

Remember that life isn’t unfair at all, it’s you who couldn’t speak up. Do not let anyone snatch anything from you that you have worked for! If you think that you have been paid less for the job you do, ask the authorities to clear your dues. No one may give things to you willingly. It’s you who should rather ask for the same.

Make sure that you have enough courage to ask for something that you have worked for! People would not give you something that you deserve, forget about getting some additional bits of rewards.

Consequently, life will give you challenges but you should not be among the ones who feel shy to speak up. Instead, you should gather all your courage and be brave enough to raise your voice and earn what you truly deserve.

If you have got the courage to ask for something you think you should be getting, no one can stop you from fetching it. In today’s world, people usually have the habit of taking away the credits of others’ effort, make sure that you are not one of those victims!

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