Reinhold Niebuhr

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. – Reinhold Niebuhr

There are certain things in our lives, or around us that we need to accept as they are! It is important to be able to understand that not all things are under your control. Hence, you must realize that you should have the serenity to accept the things that you cannot change.

God gives us the power to be able to accept certain things as they are! On the other hand, you should not mix them with the things that could be changed. It is essential to realize that you should not put your efforts in vain when you know that certain things aren’t under your control.

On the contrary, you should have the ability to justify the situations that are under your control. If you know that something is going wrong, and you can get it right with a little bit of effort on your part, you are sure to succeed in your life.

If you know that you have the ability to change certain things for the good, you should consequently own enough courage to stand beside them.

Besides, it is essential to ensure that you are capable of deciding the situations that are under your control with the ones that aren’t. Know that, there is a very thin line difference between the two and a wise man will always know where to put the efforts and where he shouldn’t do anything, and let just things move with their own flows.

Learning the difference will easily help you to understand the amount of effort you should pour into certain situations and the intensity with which you should be taking those things for granted.

Life is not easy at all. When you know that you cannot change certain things, going against them will fill you with negativity and you would be lagging behind. In that case, you should have the serenity to accept them.

On the other hand, you should know the things that call for your contribution and thus, put efforts on changing them. Of course, they need courage and you should acquire all your guts to be able to do so!

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