Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional. – Roger Crawford

Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional. - Roger Crawford

In life, we should see several circumstances that would be new to us. We should not fear unknown situations coming up. It is quite obvious that we would find difficulties in the initial days, and things might not be as easy to encounter, as we think them to be!

However, a real fighter is the one who embraces all the difficulties and odds with a smile on the face. It is essential to understand that challenges are inevitable. If you ever want to succeed, you are bound to face challenges as they are the only ones that determine your strength.

The more hurdles you cross, the higher are your chances to keep growing. Hence, you cannot escape challenges by any chance, and you should not be doing it either!

Had your life been smooth, you will never know how hard situations look and feel like! In order to taste success, you need to taste failure as well. Consequently, in order to value brightness, you need to witness darkness too.

On the other hand, the moment you accept defeat and think yourself to be a failure, you actually tag yourself as a loser.

Remember that there’s no harm in failing a thousand times and still trying hard to stand up, the real failure is the one when you accept your defeat and refuse to stand up all over again.

Likewise, you should understand that being defeated is optional. Till the time you accept your defeat from inside, no one can defeat you. Therefore, you should always be the kind of person who owns the zeal to bounce back.

You must be the kind of person who loves taking up challenges, thereby making sure that no matter how many times you fall down, you should consider no other substitute than to fight back all over again.