
Be good enough to forgive someone, but don’t be stupid enough to trust them again. – Unknown

When you know that someone has befooled you or betrayed you, it is important to understand that you cannot change that person’s character all of a sudden in just a while.

Hence, the only thing that you can do is to forgive that person as holding on to your grudges over him will do no good to you in the long run. Therefore, you should have the ability to forgive that person, and get going!

However, at the same time, you must have the wisdom to understand that you can always let go off the mistakes of that person and forgive it, but you should never be foolish enough to trust that same person all over again.

You must remember all that he or she has done to you, but make sure that you are not giving him a second opportunity all over again to betray you.

It is okay to forget some incidents as holding on to them will make you feel hurt and increase your worries and miseries.

Consequently, you should also know that you aren’t giving that same person another chance to fool you so that you end up experiencing the same thing once again.

Make sure that you do not do the same mistake of trusting that same person all over again.

At times, you need to know the fact that when you forgive someone, you let go off his mistakes but that does not mean that you will allow that person to continue his mistakes and in return, make yourself a victim of that same trouble all over again for just no reason.

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