
Never ignore a person who loves you, cares for you and misses you. Because one day, you might wake up from your sleep and realize that you lost the moon while counting the stars. – Unknown

Too often, we fail to understand that we often get engaged in counting the stars and thus, end up losing the moon.

You should never lose an opportunity to think about the person who loves or cares you, and thus, appreciate his or her presence in your life.

It is important to understand that there is indeed a shortage of such pure souls in today’s world and when you have a person in your life who loves you and cares for you, make sure that you are not ignoring that individual by any chance.

You should be counting yourself to be the luckiest person in this whole world to have such people around you who love you, cares for you, and misses you.

You might feel annoyed to have them in your life but that is something that you are doing injustice to your own self.

You should understand that you must never lose the moon while being busy counting the stars. Ensure that you are not having to regret later on when you see that you woke up after sleep one fine morning and you lost that person.

At times, our realizations become so late that we get to know its importance in our lives only after we have lost them.

Be good to others, and if you have such loyal people in your life, value them, until it becomes too late and then, you have nothing to do but to regret your misfortune.

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