Helen Keller

Security is mostly a superstition. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. – Helen Keller

Security is just a myth. There is nothing called ”security” existing in nature. Yeah, life is actually uncertain; you never know what happens at the very next moment. Therefore, if you genuinely want to enjoy the thrill of living, you must learn to take off with the adventure.

Often, we are too bothered about our own safety, security, and comfort that we forget living, and that is something really disgusting. We tend to skip living our own lives; rather, we just try to survive by some or the other means.

The real thrill of life is in the adventure. In life, you should be daring enough to embrace all the obstacles and overcome them with all your courage and potential. Our fears limit us, and one who pays attention to them ultimately becomes a loser.

Hence, it is high time that we realize leaving our thoughts of phobias and use our time and resources wisely. Don’t let your fears restrict you from being great and pull you down to live an ordinary life. In life, it is crucial to understand what matters the most.

Consequently, there will be a lot of challenges coming along your way, but is there any point of sitting back and waiting for things to happen all by themselves? So, from the next time, when you are worried about your security, take a deep breathe, and tell yourself that you never know what is waiting there on the other side of the table.

If you do not encounter the obstacles, you will never be able to learn. So, get rid of all the fears that are within you and take up everything that this life has got to offer you!

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