Nelson Mandela

A winner is a dreamer who never gives up. – Nelson Mandela

All of us dream, isn’t it? The only thing that makes us different from the winners is the fact that they never give up.

It is important to understand that a winner is a dreamer who has faced a lot of obstacles along the path of life, but despite having to face so many challenges, they are the ones who didn’t give up.

Winners are the ones who do not mind losing repeatedly, they are the ones who have faced hardships quite a thousand times, but they didn’t give up by any chance.

When someone succeeds in the path of life, or wins, we just see to their success, instead of looking at the success point that they have reached today, do we ever bother to see at the repeated number of attempts that they had to bear!

The ones who have succeeded didn’t reach such heights in a single day. They have succeeded only after they have failed so many times.

They are the ones who didn’t mind failing, for they were determined enough to succeed.

These people didn’t give up even when they were defeated, and they kept on taking lessons from each of their mistakes, thereby making sure that they are not repeating those same things all over again.

They had a sporting mindset to get up even when they were pulled down, and that’s the reason that they could reach such great heights which we just keep on dreaming while doing nothing!

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