Ralph Waldo Emerson

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

You shall encounter a lot of circumstances each day but you would prove yourself to be wise only when you succeed in proving yourself just by the way you are!

It is important to understand that in a world that is continuously trying to make you something else, your greatest achievement would be to be the way you are!

Give your maximum effort in being yourself, and that’s what is going to bring the light for you! The world is changing at a fast pace and so are we!

There are times when we end up losing our uniqueness just because we have been hustling each and every single moment so as to accustom ourselves to the circumstances around us.

We are so busy modifying our own selves as well as our thoughts to ensure that we fit into the perspective of others.

This trend has increased enormously over the years and it feels as if we are no longer our own selves but we have started adapting ourselves in a way that others want to see!

Well, if you truly want to be successful in the real sense of the word, you need to make sure that you are being the person you originally are!

Remember that you are not here to please anyone and everyone, and thus, it should no way matter to you how others are thinking about you. Let them do their part of the job and you do yours!

This world is going to push you in trying to make you according to them, make sure that you remain the exact constant, and do not change yourself just for the sake of others.

You are born unique, and that’s something that you are meant to hold for the rest of your life.

The people who will love you and acknowledge you will surely respect the persona and thoughts you have, even if they aren’t alike the rest of the world.

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