Peter T. Mcintyre

Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong. – Peter T. Mcintyre

You gain the confidence within yourself once you start to believe in yourself and not fearing the be wrong. It’s okay even if you wrong at times. It is never always possible for each one of us to keep doing right all the time.

At times, we may do mistakes but when you have the potential to accept that you have gone wrong, you will eventually become potent enough to gain that confidence within yourself. None of us is God and it’s nowhere written that we will have to do right all the time.

We may go wrong and that’s fine. However, we need to make sure that we have the capability to accept that those mistakes are done by us and then take lessons from them so that we don’t repeat them again.

It is essential to understand that we learn more from our mistakes, and it’s better to commit mistakes instead of sitting idle and doing nothing. In the same way, you may fear of not doing right but that’s okay.

The people will understand that you didn’t do the mistake intentionally. It occurred only because you tried doing new things by yourself. Confidence doesn’t come when you continue doing right every day. It comes when you aren’t afraid of doing wrong.

You must keep doing your tasks instead of fearing that things won’t happen right all the time. It is fine to do mistakes, provided that you aren’t afraid that things won’t always turn out the way you want.

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