Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. – Stephen R. Covey

Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. - Stephen R. Covey

It is rightly said that in today’s time, most people usually listen with the intent to reply instead of listening with the intent to understand

These days, people tend to have too many misinterpretations among them.

You can see people living together yet are not happy with one another. This is because they do not have a mentality to understand with the intention of understanding, rather they are hearing only with an intention to revert back.

People generally talk a lot, but there still lies a communication gap some way or the other. This is because people do not have the intention to hear each other anymore.

They do not understand. Had they understood, the relationships would have gone smoother.

Most people tend to assume things instead of trying to understand the matter by digging deep into it. They usually have just one mind set up, and that is to respond back to all that you have said.

Hence, while you keep on saying, instead of trying to analyze it and thinking about you and trying to know the reason for which you did say it, they tend to reply immediately.

They do not count your words from their hearts, and that’s where the major issue seems to lie.

If you ever want to settle down the things, and make the relationships fall into their respective places, you must focus upon having an intention to understand the reasons for which the other people did say something.

If you are able to understand it once, the rest of the things will automatically fall into their respective places.

You should have the psychology to save relationships by thinking of ways instead of trying to ruin them all over again.

Try to get deep into the core, and only when you are sure about it, you can save the relations without harming the other people by any chance.

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