You may only succeed if you desire succeeding; you may only fail if you do not mind failing. – Philippos

You may only succeed if you desire succeeding; you may only fail if you do not mind failing. - Philippos

Success and failure are two very important concepts we should talk deeply about. However, it does not usually happen. Success is something that everybody desires. No one ever wants to fail in anything. However, we all know how hard it can get to achieve our dreams and be a successful person in the world.

Now how to make this tough work possible? If you want to achieve your dreams or you want to be successful in life, you should always be passionate and dedicated to your success. You should always keep your focus set, and no distraction should change your goal ever.

All this quote wants to say is, if you want to be successful, you have to desire success. You have to have the courage to fight against any odds no matter what to succeed. If you want to achieve the success that passionately, then no one else can stop you from being successful in life.

Always remember that in life, you will only fail if you do not mind failing. Yeah failing is good, if you can learn things from that too. However, if you do not mind failing, then every time you try, you will surely do something that will put all your efforts into a vein. So remember, success will only come if you desire, and failure will come if you do not mind failing. The choice is yours.